task orchestration for Linux and FreeBSD

local development

The first step to contributing to the noxide project is to get your local development environment setup. Most folks familiar with Go project development should feel right at home.

Install Go compiler

The website instructions will get you setup with a Go compiler for your system. Use the go version command to make sure you have a working Go compiler on your $PATH.

go version

Set $GOPATH to a location where you wish to keep Go source files. Technically the GO compiler can work without this environment variable set, but noxide uses it for knowing where protobuf files are. Typically this will be set to $HOME/go but the choice is yours.

env | grep GOPATH # must be set

Install GCC and Make

Since noxide uses CGO for certain operating system features as well as the sqlite3 database, you’ll need the GCC compiler installed in addition to the Go compiler. We also use a Makefile for making complex builds easy. These two components can usually be installed pretty easily on any platform.

apt-get install gcc make # ubuntu
brew install gcc make    # macOS

Install SQLite

The database noxide uses is sqlite3 which is linked into the noxide binary at compile time. For this to work sqlite3 must be installed on the system.

apt-get install sqlite3 # ubuntu
brew install sqlite     # macOS

Setup Cap’n Proto

The RPC layer of noxide is powered by Cap’n Proto protobufs. To generate Go source code from protobuf definitions the capnp compiler is needed, along with the Go plugin and the Go protobuf standard library. Checkout the Go specific instructions if you’re interested, but make init will automatically run through the steps to get setup.

make init

Now everything should be ready for generating the source files generated from the protobufs. To do so, run the make protos target.

make protos

Start Compiling!

At this point you should have everything needed to build noxide. The Makefile contains several targets to simplify local development.

  • make clean - deletes an existing previously compiled noxide binary
  • make protos - compile protobufs with capnp to produce Go source files
  • make compile - compile the noxide binary using go install
  • make demo - compile noxide and also run it using a simple “demo” configuration
  • make tidy - run the go mod tidy command on Go modules
  • make copywrite - run the copywrite command to generate BSD license headers
➜ make protos demo
==> Generating Cap'n Proto files
==> Clean
==> Compile
==> Running hack/demo.cue
doing fresh cluster bootstrap steps